Stupid Things People Say to Photographers

To many, photography seems to be an easy profession. After all, it’s a profession that others seem to lack a sense of professional respect. “What’s so hard about taking pictures?” How many times have you heard that one? If you’re like me, you might just answer them with a question. “How hard is it to replicate Jackson Pollock? A wonderful jazz tune?”

Photo Credit: Stewart Butterfield Photo optimized by JPEGmini Pro

It takes real creativity to be Jackson Pollock, to write a jazz tune, and certainly when it comes to being a photographer. As photographers, we usually photograph something in a way that most people would not normally see. For example, whenever we are walking along a path, we are usually looking down at the flowers we pass. But, have you ever stopped to wonder what those flowers would look like from the perspective of an ant? This is just one small example of the creativity that comes from being a creative photographer.

However, as photographers, we usually have a great sense of humor. After all, we are the ones that capture the perfect smile. So it’s time we let loose a bit and create a list of the stupid things people say to photographers.

  • “My friend can shoot the wedding”
    Yes, your friend can definitely take pictures at the wedding. In fact, once upon a time we used to leave disposable cameras on the guest tables at the wedding. But, can your friend also fix the transmission in my car? Just like you want a professional fixing your car, you’re going to want a professional photographer if you really want to capture the priceless moments of the wedding.
  • “Nice photo! It must be Photoshopped.”
    Really? As a trained photographer, you know that getting a great image ‘in camera’ is the best way to end up with great results. Great photographers can capture that great image way before they even get to the computer. By the way, there are more editing tools than just Photoshop. We’re fans of Adobe Lightroom.
  • “You must have an excellent camera.”
    Sorry, this gave us a good chuckle. Reminds us of this famous quote from Sam Haskins:
    “A photographer went to a socialite party in New York. As he entered the front door, the host said ‘I love your pictures – they’re wonderful; you must have a fantastic camera.’
    He said nothing until dinner was finished, then:
    That was a wonderful dinner; you must have a terrific Stove.’”
  • “I’ve got an idea for a photo.”
    Oh, do you? As photographers, we have our own style and ideas. We are armed with our cameras and choose to take each shot carefully. We don’t need help from the peanut gallery. Yes, there are a few, rare occasions that this can be fun. However, no one really likes to be told how to do their job. Right?
  • “I know someone who can do it cheaper.”
    Of course you do! We all have that friend of a friend. You know, that friend who has a sister who knows this guy who dated this girl who went to Parsons and is starting out. Right? Listen, if you know of a cheaper photographer then great. Just don’t use it as a bargaining ploy when you’re talking to a professional photographer. At the end of the day, you get what you pay for.
  • “I can take better pictures than you if I did it regularly.”
    Who or what is holding you back? If you truly believe you can do it better than me, then go grab your camera and get to it! The only person getting in your way is yourself. If you really can shoot better than me then you should really be doing it!

Now that we got that off our chest, what are some of the stupid things people say to you? We’d love to know! Please share them with us in the comments section or on TwitterGoogle+, or Facebook where we are always listening.