Image sizing is important to understand for creating professional projects, but it can get confusing. Using the correct dimensions is essential to keeping images from…
From Photoshop
Consistency When editing
You know what I was thinking about the other day? I was thinking about what struggles I have been through over the years as I…
What Role Does the Photographer Have in Society?
Just a few short days ago our eyes lit up with joy when we opened up Twitter. A member of the JPEGmini family shared with…
How a Nikon D700 With Some Pro-Level G Lenses Changed This Photographer’s Life
Hello, Ross. Thank you so much for taking the time out for this interview. Since we first met at NineDots, I knew you were someone…
5 Tips To Improve Your Photography Site’s Google Ranking
Count to one. Finished? That’s the length of time you have to catch a user’s interest when they first visit your site. One second. If…
We are happy to announce our latest product, the JPEGmini Photoshop® extension! This extension is a welcome addition to our plug-in for Adobe® Lightroom®. Now…
Website Design Hack for Mobile Devices
As a website designer you know that an important part of the user experience is page loading times. It doesn’t make a difference what type…
JPEGmini Interviews a Photographer With a Photojurnalistic Style
Did you know? According to legend, Phoenix gets its name from Cambridge-educated pioneer Darrell Duppa, who saw the ruins and prehistoric canals of the Hohokam…
Stupid Things People Say to Photographers
To many, photography seems to be an easy profession. After all, it’s a profession that others seem to lack a sense of professional respect. “What’s…
Reduce Your Photoshop Workload With JPEGmini
As photographers, we spend a lot of time with our cameras. It’s our weapon of choice. We spend the majority of our days capturing the…