BIG IDEAS, mini presentations
The team at ARC have raised the bar… Again.
We’re so excited to team up with The Experience // ARC for their BIG IDEAS // mini presentations.
ARC recognizes that our photography community is filled with incredibly creative artists and thinkers that have important messages and inspiration to share. They created a platform that allows these photographers to share their ideas with the community.
6 incredible photographers have been selected with 6 personal ideas. Check out these incredible artists!
Dallas and Sabrina Kolotylo
Brittany Esther Staddon
João Guedes
Blake Loates
Reggie Campbell
Taylor Roades
Each presentation will last 15 minutes on unique ideas ranging from the importance of personal work to changing the world with your imagery. These presentations are included in the 3 Day Pass with the 10 expert speakers already announced. Bonus!
If you haven’t got your ticket to The Experience, there’s still time to join us. But hurry, the event is 2 weeks away and tickets are almost sold out!
All the information for the 3 Days in Vancouver, BC are here and you can get your 3 Day Pass here.
See you there!
I’m a designer and amateur wannabe photographer in Vancouver and would love to attend. It sounds like it would be an inspiring few days!
This conference sounds really unique and I love the shorter talks and q/a format, I’m a professional photographer who lives in Edmonton and I would love to attend!
The line up to this event is incredible. Putting so many creative minds in one awesome place can only lead to amazing things which I would love to be a part of. As an aspiring travel photographer, I want to attend to hear how these artists overcame challenges and to be inspired into ideas of how I can create something the world has yet to see.
Congrats Joe, you’re the winner! Please send an email with the title JPEG Mini Winner and they will issue your ticket.
Wow, thank you so much Mitch! What fantastic news. Keep up the great work with the articles and hopefully see you at the event!